Our supporters

Our 2024 Supporters


Robert Matta Foundation | Kamal Tabet


Nabil & Carole Bustros | Alexis and Anne-Marie Habib | Peter and Nathalie Hrechdakian | Omar & Ghalia Qattan | Philippe & Zaza Jabre | 

Friends of the museum 


Nicolas Gharzouzi | Della Tamari | Anonymous Member


Hussam & Suhair Abu Issa | Nada Boulos | Maroun Chammas | Georges & Elena El Helou | Lena Fadel | Abraham & Manal Karabajakian | Naila Kettaneh Kunigk | Rafi Manoukian | Hady & Rita Nassif | Riad Obegi | Joumana Sarkissian | Sfeir-Semler Gallery


Raymond & May Abou Adal | Nada Alameddine | Christiane Ashkar | Valerie Arcache | Christiane Audi | Etienne Debbane | Fady & Lisa Debbane | Joumana Debbane | Gabriel Fernaine | Omar Gharzeddine | Joumana Hobeika | Nada Jreissati | Dany Karam | Shadi & Zeina Karam | Hala El Khazen | Nada Khoury | Nagi Morkos | Laura Lahoud | Katia Rabbath | Hania Rayess | Nadim & Simone Saikali | Sakr Sakr | Ghassan Wazen

Artist Donors

Sursock Museum wishes to acknowledge all the donors and buyers at the cocktail and auction in New York on May 2024 hosted by Karim and Diala Tabet. We would like to thank the generous donation of works that helped raise funds to the museum by the following artists:

Samia Halaby | Rayyane Tabet | Walid Raad | Nabil Nahas

With special thanks to the Ilili Restaurants for the catering services.


In-Kind Donors


Special thanks to our events sponsors: 

Chateau Marsyas | Double Shake | Matisse Events | Wicked Solutions 


Our 2023 Supporters


Nabil & Carole Bustros | Toni and Youmna Gedeon | Peter & Nathalie Hrechdakian | Paloma Picasso | Philippe & Zaza Jabre | Henry & Myrna Sarkissian


Henri & Joumana Asseily | Dr. Jean Marc Ayoubi | Carla Chammas | Liliane Chammas | Yves & Anna Choueifaty | Tamara Corm | Aline Asmar d'Amman | Floriane De Saint-Pierre | Elie Georges | Jean-Luc El Houeiss | Nabil & Reine-Marie Kiwan | Maya Nassereddine | Nelly Zeidan

Thanks to all the individuals who acquired artworks at the gala auction.


Ibrahim Daher | Thierry Forien | Louis Nègre | George Saadé | Samia Saouma

Friends of the museum 


Samir Abillamaa | Carl & Wafa Bistany | Foundation Boghossian | Maroun Chammas | Jamal & Rania Daniel | Daria Daniel | Georges & Elena El Helou | Joumana Hobeika | Abraham & Manal Karabajakian | Naila Kettaneh Kunigk | Riad Bechara Obegi | Joumana Sarkissian | Sfeir-Semler Gallery | Andre Wardé


Christiane Achkar | Raymond & May Abou Adal | Christiane Audi | Anita Babikian | Roderick Sursock Cochrane | Mary Deville Cochrane | Wajdi & Dominique Diab | Dany Karam | Michel & Marine Moukarzel | Ibrahim & Marie-Rose Najjar | Nadim & Simone Saikali | Emile & Caroline Zakka

Artist donors

In October 2023, Sursock Museum held a fundraising auction as part of the gala dinner in Paris. We would like to thank the generous donation of works that helped raise funds to the museum. 

Said Baalbaki | Ali Cherri | Simone Fattal | Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige | Hussein Madi

With special thanks to Imane Farès Gallery and Saleh Barakat Gallery.

In-kind donations

Commercial Insurance | IXIR | Tinol

Special thanks to our events sponsor Chateau Marsyas 

Please consider making a donation online or via direct transfer here.


Our 2020-2022 Supporters

We’re overwhelmed by the incredible solidarity we received following the Beirut port explosion, and are grateful to all those who have supported the Museum so far, whether through checking in; asking about us; volunteering; or donating. We extend our deepest gratitude to all those who helped us in myriad ways.

Situated a mere 800 meters from the explosion site, the Sursock Museum was severely impacted. The reconstruction works needed to restore the Museum to its original state are estimated at 3 million USD.

With your help, we have raised a total of 2,376,751 USD, of which 2,086,031 USD come from grants; 58,231 USD from institutions; 152,591 USD from fundraisers; 40,000 USD from corporations; and 39,897 USD from individual donations. This is a great stepping stone to recovery, for which we are immensely grateful.

The International Alliance for the Protection of Heritage in Conflict Areas (ALIPH) has granted us 500,000 USD to fully weatherproof the building.

The French Ministry of Culture is supporting the restoration of the Museum’s colorful stained glass, as well as its historic first floor, including the Salon Arabe. This support amounts to 500,000 Euros.

The Government of Italy and UNESCO jointly donated 965,000 USD in support of the rehabilitation and reopening of the Sursock Museum, through the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and under UNESCO’s flagship initiative Li Beirut.

The Goethe-Institut gave us a grant of 10,000 USD to purchase rehousing and conservation material for our archive.

The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC) and Culture Resource are supporting the Museum's programmatic efforts through a 40,000 USD grant.

Shaikha Mai bint Mohammed Al-Khalifa, President of the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities, has raised 98,231 USD for the benefit of the Museum on behalf of the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage, among other entities.


International Alliance for the Protection of Heritage in Conflict Areas (ALIPH)
French Ministry of Culture
Government of Italy and UNESCO
Arab Fund for Arts and Culture – AFAC

Institutional donors

Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage
Association pour le design et l'art
Make Your Mark

Corporate donors



ArtScoops/Nada Boulos Auction
Abraham Karabajakian collection/Artenuovo collection

In-kind donations 

Beirut Museum of Art (BeMA)
Blue Shield
Institut national du patrimoine
Mind the gap
Pierre Dammous & Partners
Tinol Paints

Individual donors

Samar Abdo Zeid | Joanna Abousleiman | Dima Al Hajjar | Teddy and Micha Amyuni | Robert B. and Dominique A. Anderson | Nicolas Appelt | Lili Arbogast | Jean Archibald | Marwan Assaf | Dalia Atallah | Chrysi Avgousti | Katarzyna Bak | Nadim Basna | Tarek Bazzi | Benmamar | Lunne Bibi | Gilles Annick Biscos | François Blanc | Mikkel Bogh | Eva Boisrond | Glenn Bowman | Antonio V. Caballero | Michael Challita | Marc Chelala | Firas Chelala and Tala Njeim | Pam Chiang | Hala Choucair | Allison Meredith Crump| Pascale M. Dahrouge | Rola Dally | Mr. and Mrs. Daumont | A. Durant Des Aulnois | Jeffery A. Duricko | Nathalie Estelli | Lina Fares | Nicolas Al Ferzly | Dominique and Leo Faust | Elizabeth C Ferguson Regina | Gandour-Edwards | Rima Ghanem | Rabia A. Gregory | Jaqueline Griffin | Michael Goris | Jean-Max Guieu | Jacqueline F. and O. Bruce Gupton | Ranwa Haddad | Habib Haddad | Karine Hajje | Zicky Hammud | Mona Hatoum | Joy Hecht | André Hinterman | Mourits G.P.M.C.J. Jaeger | Isabel Joly | Richard R. K. Jones | Anders Jorstad | Abdallah Kabbani | Abraham Karabajakian and Artenuovo collection | Cyril Karaoglan | Kay | Michael Kayrouz | Joelle Kharrat | Nadim Khouri-Raphael | Tania Khoury | Linda Koreska | Maximilian Kraus | Annette M. La Velle | Susan G. Lang | Maryvonne G. Laparliere | Mischa Lentz | Ori Livneh | Youssef Mahfoud | Madga Malkoun | B. McBride | Christine Mckinnon | Omar Medawar | Salwa Mekdadi | Gina Mobayed | Alain Muller and Siham Menhem | Tarek Naffah | Marie-Rose Najjar | Aaron D. Nesser | Marie Joe Noon | Jose Nuno-Garcia | J Ridgely Porter III Oakley | Dar Onboz | Ravi Anil Patel | Marc Petzoldt | Falque Pierrotin | Louis Quail | Marchel Rached | Ms A Rhodes | Dominique Ritley | Nathalia Robalino | Naila Saade | Christine Safa | Andre de Rafelis Saint-Sauveur | Roula Sammakieh | Margaret Saunders | Nour Semaan | Tareef Shawa | Clayton Shedd | Joel Silverman | Andre E. Soltner | Timothy B Stanley | Robert Sursock | Yves Takchi | J. F. Thibault | Amale Traboulsi | Ullstein Buchverlage GMBH | Pierre and Nadia Valla | Hrag Vartanian | Catherine Hermary Vielle | Markus Wagner | Mark and Jasmine Warren | N. G. H. Weijenberg | Kurt and May Werren | Elisabeth P. Work | Coralie Zaccar | donors who wish to remain anonymous.

Artist donors*

Gregory Buchakjian | Christine Safa | Magda Malkoun | Hale Tenger | Post Industrial Crafts.

*The support we’ve received from artists has been heartwarming and overwhelming. We may have missed some artists’ initiatives not mentioned here; we apologize if we have. If you have donated your work to the benefit of the Museum or other cultural institutions, please make sure you inform us by sending an email to [email protected]

People who support the Museum through the purchase of an artwork gifted by Hale Tenger

Guher Abaci | Nada Abu Fadel | Tarik Bayazit | Melis Behlil | Ibrahim Hakan Borcene | Oya Turkman Delahaye | Omer Dinckok | D. Dusenkalkar | Mai Eldib | Cetin Erbes | Sidika Hale Erdemci | Selin Gulcelik | Oksan Gulec | Ahmet Husnu Gureli | Feza Guvenal | Hatice Canan Pak Imregun | Azmi Karaveli | Eda Kehale | Verda Alaton Le Drian | Omar Walid Medawar | Karla Medini | Fuat Miskavi | Yasemin Ors | Christian Oxenius | E. L. Ozen | Leyla Pekin | Kamal Servi | Malkoc Sualp | Erol A. Taranto | Mustafa Zeki Terzioglu | Ayse Umur.


Tanios Abou Khalil | Amale Abou Zour | Rosana Abou Zour | Samer Abou Zour | Zeina Abou Zour | Ziad Abou Zour | Nathan Azar | Lila Bajjaly | Patil Balian | Zeina Bailoun | Hadi Bou Chebel | Renee Chehade | David Chlela | Alexandre Chidiac | Rhéa Dagher | Lina Fakhoury | Ahmad Haidar | Anna Kikano | Joelle Kosremelli | Omar Maalouf | Helene Malhame | Pia Mansour | Jessica Merjaneh | Ella Morand | Adam Mrouwe | Gilbert Nicolas | Carolina Ortiz Jerez | Fleur Peterson | Monique Rizkallah Chebli | Yana Samarani | Mariam Tabet | Camille Tyan | Henri Tyan | Chloé Zlotnik.

ALIPH grants the Sursock Museum 500,000 USD to weatherproof the building

Within the framework of its Action Plan for Beirut's heritage, the International Alliance for the Protection of Heritage in Conflict Areas (ALIPH) granted the Sursock Museum a total of 500,000 USD dedicated to the stabilization and waterproofing of the Museum. This initiative took place in collaboration with the Arab Fund of Arts and Culture (AFAC) and as an extension of the mission carried out by the International Council of Museums (ICOM).


French Ministry of Culture supports the reconstruction of the Museum's historic first floor 

The French Ministry of Culture and the Sursock Museum have signed an agreement to support and fund the restoration of the Museum's colorful stained glass, as well as its historic first floor, including the Salon Arabe. We are deeply grateful for this generous initiative, which significantly supports the Museum's reconstruction and restoration efforts. 


The Government of Italy and UNESCO donated 965,000 USD to the Sursock Museum 

The Government of Italy and UNESCO jointly donated 965,000 USD in support of the rehabilitation and reopening of the Sursock Museum, through the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and under UNESCO's flagship initiative Li Beirut. The Italian funds will be invested over the course of one year to ultimately contribute to reopening the museum to the public through the implementation of rehabilitation works while providing adequate conditions to preserve the heritage and the collections and making them available to the public.


Goethe-Institut gives support to acquire rehousing material

In the aftermath of the Beirut port explosion, the Goethe-Institut is set up to fund to support cultural institutions that were impacted by the blast. The Sursock Museum, one of the beneficiaries of the grant, will use the received fund of 10,000 USD to acquire specialized equipment, as well as rehousing and preservation materials, which are not available in Lebanon. 


Marwan T. Assaf

Marwan T. Assaf is generously supporting the conservation of the Sursock Museum collection. 

Abraham Karabajakian; Artenuovo collection; Artscoops; and Nada Boulos Auction team up to support the Sursock Museum

In September 2020, ArtScoops and Nada Boulos Auction held an online auction of works from Abraham Karabajakian's collection and the Artenuovo collection, featuring modern and contemporary artists. 7% of the hammer price of each lot, donated by both the sellers and the auction house, was dedicated to the restoration of the Sursock Museum. 




In November 2020, Christie's held a charity auction under "We Are All Beirut" to help the Lebanese capital rebuild its cultural scene following the devastating port explosion of 4 August 2020. The proceeds of the auction were entrusted to the Arab Funds for Arts and Culture (AFAC) to support the rebuilding of the art community in Beirut and were subsequently redistributed to institutions that were impacted by the explosion, including the Sursock Museum. 


Beirut Museum of Art (BeMA)  supports the collections's dusting campaign

The dusting of all the artworks that were on display at the time of the explosion, as well as the works that were in the storage, was headed by conservator Kerstin Khalife. This campaign was made possible thanks to the generous support of BeMA and its talented restoration team. The dusting of all the artwork was completed in October 2020. 


Volunteers support books and archive's dusting campaign

We're deeply thankful for the volunteering graduates of the Master's program in Museum Studies and Cultural Heritage Management at the University of Balamand, who worked tirelessly to dust the library books and archives. Their involvement was facilitated by the program director Nadine Panayot, for whom we are grateful. We also extend our gratitude to Blue Sheild and Biladi for providing us with the specialized tools and equipment that are instrumental for this campaign. The dusting campaign of the books and archives was led by our archivist Rowina BouHarb. 



ALIPH and INP support the restoration of paper-based works 

A total of 26 works on paper were damaged following the explosion. A graduate of the Institut national du Patrimoine (INP), conservator Caroline Gelot worked at the Museum’s restoration workshop to restore part of the damaged paper-based works, many of which present tears, creases, or abrasions. Caroline’s mission was generously supported by ALIPH and coordinated by INP.



INP donates conservation material to the Museum

In a generous gesture, INP donated crucial conservation and rehousing material, including conservation boxes, cotton gloves, brushes, latex sponges, and vacuum cleaners. We’re very thankful for this donation, which will help us move forward with our dusting campaign, and rehouse archival material.


CANVAS supports the Sursock Museum's outreach efforts

Following the Beirut port explosion, CANVAS lent a helping hand to the Sursock Museum by publishing a full-page call for donations in each of their issues. This generous gesture helped to increase the Museum's audience reach and sensitized the magazine's readership to the tremendous ordeal facing cultural institutions in Beirut after the explosion. 


Mind the gap offers the Sursock Museum their expertise

Mind the gap has been the Sursock Museum's design and communication agency since 2011. Their support following the Beirut port explosion has been heart-warming. By offering their know-how and consultancy, Mind the gap is helping us to reach a wider audience. 


Mitsulift supports the Sursock Museum

Following the Beirut port explosion, the Museum’s visitor elevators, as well as the service lift, primarily used to transport artworks, were badly damaged. Mitsulift will support the Sursock Museum’s reconstruction efforts through an in-kind donation.


Pierre Dammous & Partners contribute to the rebuilding of the Sursock Museum

The Sursock Museum is benefiting immensely from the consulting expertise of Pierre Dammous & Partners. We're deeply grateful for the know-how of their electromechanical consultants, who are providing critical and crucial input to the reconstruction of the Museum.


Tinol Paints

The museum receives paint for each exhibition from TINOL PAINTS. Their support is essential for our scenography and they have been an operational partner for the last six years.


Saint-Gobain donated stained glass for the restoration of the façade; in addition to the construction material

Saint-Gobain provided much-needed support to the Museum through the donation of the stained glass needed to restore the Museum's colorful facade. In addition, they donated construction materials, which will help us replace the collapsed and damaged gypsum ceilings and walls throughout the building.  


Warde upholsters Salon Arabe cushions

Thanks to Warde’s support, we were able to upholster the cushions in the Salon Arabe.
