Slide Night with BAR


Slide Night with BAR

With Sophie Dubosc and Carolina Gonzalez Valencia
In collaboration with Beirut Art Residency (BAR)

Thursday 7 June 2018, 18:00 to 19:30

In English
Free admission

This evening of presentations is by Beirut Art Residency’s (BAR) artists-in-residence Sophie Dubosc and Carolina Gonzalez Valencia. Following the presentations, the artists will be in conversation with Manal Khader.

Sophie Dubosc's (b.1974, Paris, France - lives and works in Rouen, France) work explores the commonplace dealing with human vulnerability, precariousness, and memory, whose essential instability is reflected in the physical condition of the materials used. She graduated in Art History from the Université Paris IV-Sorbonne and of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, and has since exhibited her work at the Palais de Tokyo and the Quai Malaquais, among others. She has recently participated in the Biennale of Thessaloniki, Imagined Homes (Greece). Previous residencies include the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation (Connecticut, USA), the Departmental Hospital of Mental Health (Fleury-les-Aubrais, France), and RIAA (Argentine).

Carolina González Valencia's (b. 1985 in Bogotá, Colombia – lives and works in Lewiston, Maine, US) films and videos exist at the intersection of the personal, social, and political. In her work, she weaves animations, performance, re-enactments, drawings, and readymades, to create new documents that challenge social and historical representations of migration, otherness, and labor. She received an MFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2016, and is currently an Assistant Professor in the department of Art and Visual Culture at Bates College.

Manal Khader is a curator, writer, editor, and actress based in Beirut. She is the cofounder of Kalamon, a Beirut based cultural quarterly review, and was its editor until 2014. Khader was recently appointed as the director of The Centre for the Image, a new cultural space in Beirut due to open in September 2018.