Lectures Nocturnes


Lectures Nocturnes

Thursday 5 October 2023, from 18:00 to 19:00 

The International Writer's House in Beirut (Beyt el kottab) and the Sursock Museum are organizing a reading session at the Salon Arabe of the Museum, in the framework of the Beyrouth Livres festival. 

Mathias Énard, Oliver Rohe, and Hala Moughanie  read extracts from their most recent works. Percy Kemp and Yasmine Khlat read their newly commissioned texts by the Writer's House, inspired by the Museum's history and collections. The readings are followed by a conversation with the writers.

Percy Kemp is a British-Lebanese writer and the author of numerous crime fiction novels. His latest work, Les Cinq Soeurs, was published in January 2023.

Mathias Énard is a French writer and the author of 13 novels. In 2015, he won the Prix Goncourt for his work Boussole. His latest novel Déserter was recently published by Actes Sud. 

Hala Moughanie is a Lebanese writer and journalist. In 2015, she received the RFI Theater prize for her theater piece Tais-toi et creuse. Her latest work, Il faut revenir, was released in September 2023. 

Oliver Rohe is a German-Lebanese writer of several novels and essays. His latest work Chant Balnéaire was published in 2023. 

Yasmine Khlat is a Lebanese novelist. In 2001, she received the Prix des cinq continents pour la francophonie for her book Le désesport est un péché. Her latest book, La Tendresse de Sainte Anne, was digitally published in September 2023.

In French.

Free entrance.